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Dear girls, please scroll down to learn more about folk dance &
find all the dance tutorial videos for your assignment.
What is Folk Dance?

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Specially choreographed individual dance moves are now ready!
Miss Wong has choreographed 2 folk dances for each grade to learn at home.
You may:
1. Learn your grade-appropriate dance to start with.
2. Choose dances designed for other grades to challenge yourself - do it PROGRESSIVELY.
Folk Dance Workshop: Headliner
dance video
Now, it's your turn to show us
how well you can dance!
Follow the instructions on Google Classroom,
learn the dance here, film yourself,
and then submit your dance video by 27 May.
Don't forget, you should learn &
show us the dance
assigned for your grade:
P.1 《兔子舞》
P.2 《栗樹舞》
P.3 《可愛的蘇珊娜》
P.4 《肚皮舞》/《巴西狂歡節》
P.5 《求雨舞》/《所羅門王的光輝》
P.6 《以色列茉莉》/《桔梗花》
Folk Dance Round 2
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Folk Dance Round 1
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