How fit are you?
There are 5 different fitness components related to your health.
Learn more about them in the following weeks!
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
心肺耐力 / 心肺適能
Muscle Strength
Muscle Endurance
Body Composition
Before we start, let's get an idea of
what physical fitness is

This week's focus:
Cardiorespiratory endurance
What is it?
What is my level?
How to improve?
1. What is cardiorespiratory endurance?
First thing's first, the word "cardiorespiratory" actually consists of two parts.
"Cardio" means the heart and "respiratory" means the lungs.
Cardiorespiratory endurance is about how long and how efficient your heart and lungs can work together to transport oxygen to your muscles & take away the waste from them, so that your body can exercise without feeling tired.
The following video tells you more about it.
In the past month, you actually have been practising and improving your cardiorespiratory endurance since you tried the 30-min Daily Exercise Challenge!
Miss Ma is going to tell you more!

Exercise & Cardiorespiratory Fitness 運動與心肺耐力
2. How do I know my fitness level?
In the video, Miss Ma introduced a 3-min step test for you to test yourself easily at home.
This test requires you to do a "step up and down exercise" for 3 minutes non-stop.
Then immediately after it, measure your pulse (which indicates your heart rate).
Your heart rate after exercise tells you how efficient your heart and lungs were working together during the exercise, or it tells you how fit your cardiorespiratory system is!
What you need for the test
Download Now
Sample video
Watch this sample video if you are unsure how to carry out the test. You can even follow the video throughout the process of the test.
3. Improve your cardiorespiratory endurance.
Zoom in to the poster and try to search on the Internet
to learn how to do these simple exercises.